About Us
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ABATE of Anchorage has proudly offered Motorcycle Safety classes since 1991


  • 3600 E TUDOR RD
  • ANCHORAGE, AK 99507
  • 907-562-2339

For information about the Motorcycle Safety Foundation, please visit their website.


Basic and Experienced classes begin the last weekend in April and continue through the entire summer ending mid-September depending on weather.

Read our Frequently Asked Questions.

To sign up for MSF classes, including 3 Wheel Basic Rider Course and Sport bike Courses, in the MatSu Valley, click here

If you have any questions regarding classes (old or new), contact the Rider Education Coordinator at ridered@abateofalaska.com or call Alaska Leather at 907-562-2339

  • Class availability.
  • Personal and professional MSF coaching.
  • Additional support and practice time.
  • Weekday and weekend.
  • Training bikes maintained by our service techs.
  • Custom sessions for organizations, groups and clubs.
  • Three levels of training from basic to advanced.
  • Flexible retest and rescheduling options.
  • Real-time online registration.
  • First-rate customer service.